Thursday, 30 August 2012

Folding bike in car boot

Unfortunately after many tries to squeeze two into the boot, the Civic can only accomodate one Tern D8. So I have to put the other in the passenger seat when I transport two bikes. 

Do note to take care of your body posture as u unload the bike into the boot. I gotta twist on my hip muscle (hmm..) when I bent my body too much. The bike weighs about 12kg with all the add-ons. Well, I am hoping to shed some weights off the bike soon.

I place the bike with the deraileur side down. As I read in the Tern forum, there seems to be no official recommended way on which side should face up. I have experienced the handle "twisted" after I place it with the deraileur side up. Because the weights all sit on the handle bar. 

Do note I have turn the seat post to the side, so that some weights can rest on the seat. Here is a pic.

Tern D8 in civic boot

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Cheapest Bicycle accessories

Too good to be true? What about a savings of 20 to 40% on bicycle accessories? Well it is possible if you visit Taiwan and get them from the local bike shop there. If you are buying expensive items, which is rather common for modern bicycles, the savings could pay for your air ticket!

Just drop by the bicycle shops in the town the next time you visit Taiwan. Taipei and Taichung have many good bicycle shops that serve the local biking community. Many well known international brands like Giant, KMC, Merida, Tern, WheelSport are products of Taiwan and many of their products are still made locally. Taiwan has built a niche in bicycle parts supply together with the popularity of cycling as a serious hobby there.

I purchased a few items when I was on a recent trip to Taiwan. If not for the lack of time, I could really have loaded up more items as they are cheaper ( quite substantially ) and they have more variety. Shops giving discounts are not uncommon, just smile and ask! Here is what I have got from a Taipei bike shop. I can't wait to taste the good food again and grab more bike accessories on my next trip...haha.

USD15.50. Retail at abt USD40 at Singapore